Thursday, June 21, 2012

Home Sweet Home....

Finally, we are home....!!!...I am so glad to finally be home..there truly is no place like was a long but memorable journey to India.....we had an amazing experience with the kids and will always remember it.......We just made it home today morning and the kids are once again adjusting to life here...Amay has finally made it to matter where we went, he kept asking, America?....if went to a mall in India, he would ask, America?.....when we went to see the Taj Mahal in Delhi, he asked, when we landed at the Ohare Airport and he said, Mommy, America?...I was glad to say, "Yes, this is America!"......Amay continues to be a challenge in many ways...his curiosity and insecurity challenge us in so many ways....and we are at the point where we aren't sure if a lot of his issues are b/c he comes from an orphanage or just because he is a toddler...does he cry and throw a tantrum for no reason b/c he is a toddler, or b/c he is going through his "grieving" stage...?......does he not listen to us b/c he is a toddler or b/c he is frustrated with the language barrier? this point, I am not sure about anything...the only thing I know for sure is that we are now a family of five...and with a husband like mine, I am sure that we are going to make it through whatever Amay throws our are all having a hard time adjusting to each other....Sitara and Satya are whining and crying more often, and I am not sure if it is b/c of Amay or just b/c they have been spoiled in I think we just need to give it 6 months and see how things go from there..I am slowly, very slowly, starting to "attach" to Amay.....I am starting to see past his hitting and crying.....but truly loving him is still a slow process....I am blessed for this opportunity...I question this whole process every day, only b/c it is emotionally draining and physically exhausting.... but not for a minute regret having Amay in our life......I am glad to be the presence of family and friends who have extremely glad to be home...tired, exhausted, jetlagged, but just happy to be home.....

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