Thursday, May 3, 2012

Update on our stay...

As Sunny has mentioned, Amay is a very sweet boy and has taken to us quickly...hopefully his grieving stage will come and go quickly if it ever happens, because i love watching him smile when he sees me...everytime i see him, he runs to me and wants me to carry him....the first time i saw him, he was wearing a shirt that said "my mommy is the best, sorry daddy!" was cute...all the kids at the orphanage are absolutely priceless and i honestly can't wait to go back one day and adopt another one....they were all so happy to see me and Satya and it is amazing how much love they have in their hearts with the little love they know about....but finally meeting Amay was amazing and i don't have enough words to express how lovely he is......i am so happy that though he waited so long for a family, he has found his way into our hearts and our family...i can't wait for him to meet Sunny....i showed him pictures of Sunny and he had a smile on his face.....otherwise, everything else is going fine...sayta and sitara have been a lot to handle with their jetlag and whining...they are quite bored since there is nothing to do in the heat....but it is okay...i am thinking about putting satya and amay in school for a little while in India..we will see how it all goes.....Satya and Sita woke up at 3 am again this morning and were playing "Ring around a Rosey".....uggghhh...i really need some sleep!!!.....hopefully I will update more later....Sorry, but i don't have much access to computer so can't write too often, but Sunny will try to keep up with the blog....

1 comment:

  1. Praying for a good adjustment for everyone! Have they given you any idea how long you'll need to stay? I'm assuming your fostering until you can all come home together.
